2008 / I. Cutting with Defects

The Two-Dimensional, Rectangular, Guillotineable-Layout Cutting Problem with a Single Defect - An AND/OR-Graph Approach.

This page contains material of the following publication:

Neidlein, V.; Vianna, A.C.G.; Arenales, M.N.; Wäscher, G. (2008):
The Two-Dimensional, Rectangular, Guillotineable-Layout Cutting Problem with a Single Defect - An AND/OR-Graph Approach.
Working Paper No. 35/2008, Faculty of Economics and Management, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

Abstract: In this paper, a two-dimensional cutting problem is considered in which a single plate (large object) has to be cut down into a set of small items of maximal value. As opposed to standard cutting problems, the large object contains a defect, which must not be covered by a small item. The problem is represented by means of an AND/OR-graph, and a Branch & Bound procedure (including heuristic modifications for speeding up the search process) is introduced for its exact solution. The proposed method is evaluated in a series of numerical experiments that are run on problem instances taken from the literature, as well as on randomly generated instances

Typ Titel Content
rar .gif TestProblemsDefects This file contains the defects for the test problems.
rar .gif TestProblems This file contains the test problems.
pdf .gif Description This file contains the description of the data files.

Letzte Änderung: 26.02.2020 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster